W.H. Hammig Violin Bow, Sterling circa 1900 – SOLD MARCH 4, 2023 –

A German violin bow probably sold from his Berlin or Leipzig workshops. Hammig lived from 1835-1925. Prior to 1875 Hammig opened a shop in Berlin and then in Markneukirchen. After 1875 he moved his shop to Leipzig. I believe this bow to have been made in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. This bow plays well and is active even with a gram weight that exceeds the norm by a few tenths. The balance and feel are excellent. The stick is gorgeous, choice pernambuco – older. It is round in section, fine grain, orange-brown pernambuco wood. It was played a lot over the past one hundred years but well taken care of. I received the bow with leather grips which I don’t believe to be what the maker had originally. It probably had the older traditional baleen winding, (lightweight whale bone), for a bow of this age. I did a careful workover of the grips in new leather. This work kept the weight and balance of the bow to exactly what the previous professional player had on the bow. The frog is adorned with a rose-green shimmering mother-of-pearl slide along with single mother-of-pearl eyes, all in sterling silver mounts. The endscrew is solid sterling with the one tapered turn on the endscrew. This German workmanship is exquisite, and the stick strength is beyond Wow! It will not disappoint.
Weight fully haired 62.8 grams.