C Chagas – Brasil Ipe Limited Special Violin Bow

Is Ipe the new pernambuco? It looks right now like it might be. The Brazilian embargo on pernambuco and finished pernambuco bows has left luthiers and players wondering about the future of bows for stringed instruments. At this point it looks like Ipe is the answer. Very strong wood, and naturally flame resistant, Ipe has been tried by many professional players and found to have most of the properties of pernambuco; some say they can’t tell any difference.
This round-section bow, made of ipe, has a lovely, somewhat darker side of bow color to contrast with the sterling silver mount and tinsel winding with red accent thread. The fully-lined snakewood frog has mother-of-pearl for the fleur-de-lis inset and slide. The bow is finished with a lizard leather thumb grip, bone tip, and three-piece silver and snakewood adjuster.
Weight fully haired 61.9 grams