A Fine Violin Bow by E. W. Zöphel – Rohrbach, Saxony circa 1940

We have a very fine sought after full size violin bow made by E. W Zöphel, circa 1940. The brand is very faint, but still legible under high power lenses. Ernst Willy Zöphel (1893-1973) was a bow maker from Rohrbach, a small village in Saxony, Germany.
The stick is of pernambuco specie, round in section, gorgeous wood, strong, sterling silver mounts with the classic bling eye frog, and solid silver end screw. This is a sweet bow. This bow is even better than sweet. We meticulously went over the entire bow. Everything on the stick is original. We have cleaned up the bow and given the stick fresh hair. Only the leather thumb grip has been replaced. The bow is in perfect condition and made with a very beautiful, strong piece of pernambuco wood. E. W. Zöphel bows are rare and coveted sticks. This is a great playing bow ready for a professional player.
Sometimes I ‘m asked if a good bow makes a difference. Yes, absolutely! It’s always about sound. A high-quality bow definitely influences the sound production, clarity, and articulation. Musicians are always looking for a balance, a stability, a connection with the string, and a responsiveness that allows the bow to feel like a natural extension of the arm. Players want a bow that makes complex musical passages a breeze to play. A good bow will enhance tone, response, and help the player perform advanced off the string articulations. Many times, the bow is forgotten about and put on the back burner. We have players that come to the shop thinking they just need a new violin to sound better. A 180-degree turn sometimes is very necessary. Yes, an about face. The bow is so much more important than you could ever imagine. If you’re looking for a great bow to give you better tone and color from your instrument, this could be totally it.
Weight fully haired 60.5 grams.